January 1, 2012

2012 Expectations

 Hello internet, we don't know what exactly drove us into creating this blog but we hope it's going to be a thrilling ride and that you'll stick with us through it.

 And from here I will present you John who will deliver you with the latest news and personal reviews from the world of cinema (too strict when it comes to mainstream movies if you ask me), as well as tidbits of history and literature. As for me, after all the heavy culture and education dearly provided by John, I'll post about my dreamworld: fashion. Everything from the latest collections and magazines to my inspirations of the moment such as an art movement, a style of photography or my mood depending on whether I've had coffee or not.

 So this is us in a nutshell. I hope you enjoy the blog and our efforts to provide you with informative, educational or entertaining content in the vast blogosphere.

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